Wait List
How does Preschool of the Arts’ wait list work?
Once registration has reached capacity, we encourage parents to join our preschool’s wait list so that they can secure a spot for the next year. When enrollment opens for the following fall, we assess how many spots are available in each class and sequentially go down the wait list to fill our spots. Your place on the wait list determines when and if you get a call about an available space*.
Occasionally, spaces become available resulting in vacancies in the current year’s classes. We cannot predict the number or timing of these openings. When a space in the class opens, we will review all applicants currently on the wait list and fill the vacancy in a sequential order based on your place on the wait list.
If a space becomes available and you are offered a space, you will have a limited time (usually no more than 48 hours) to respond before we move on to the next name on the list. If a family declines a spot at Preschool of the Arts but wishes to remain on the waitlist, they will be moved to the bottom of the waitlist. A child will remain on the list until they age out of the school, or the family specifies that they would like to be removed from the list.
If you are on the wait list and a spot does not become available for the entire school year, you will be given priority for the following year’s registration and you will not be charged an additional Wait List fee. While no spots are ever guaranteed, children on our wait list have almost always secured a spot for the following year
How do I join the wait list?
To join the Preschool of the Arts’ wait list, prospective families must fill out a wait list application (link below) and pay a $500 non-refundable fee. The $500 non-refundable fee accompanying the wait list application is allocated towards enrollment fees once the child is accepted, providing families an opportunity to secure their child's enrollment and reserve their spot in our preschool program. We encourage parents to complete this process after they have contacted the school, so that they have a chance to have all of their questions answered.
Our Admissions Office records the official waitlist date of registration as the date on which the waitlist registration fee is received. We will send a confirmation email upon receipt of your completed form. If a spot opens, the spot will be offered to our families in chronological order on the waitlist. If a family declines a spot at Preschool of the Arts but wishes to remain on the waitlist, they will be moved to the bottom of the waitlist. A child will remain on the list until they age out of the school, or the family specifies that they would like to be removed from the list.
* We do not share specific placement numbers with families on the wait list since there are too many variables due to admission priority.
Please be aware of the following school policies before registering your child or joining the wait list:
BALANCING CLASSES: The school reserves the right to accept children from the wait list in a way that balances the gender ratio in any given class. We also reserve the right to prioritize enrollment for a full day versus a half day.
IMMUNIZATIONS: Proof of up to date immunizations are required upon enrollment. Medical exemptions accepted.
It is the responsibility of the family on the wait list to update the school with current telephone numbers and addresses.
To submit this form via mail or in person please download
the Waitlist Application HERE and mail or drop it off
at Preschool of the Arts, 1789 Mandarin Road Naples, Fl. 34102
Please make checks payable to Chabad Preschool of the Arts.