Dear Friends,
Preschool of the Arts’ ongoing commitment to provide children the very best quality of education has garnered numerous awards and widespread accolades. The Circle of Hearts project gives families and friends a chance to gift our children with incredible opportunities that pave the way for their future success!
The Circle of Hearts is a caring community of benefactors that meaningfully enrich the lives of our children by funding:
• High-quality extra-curricular programming
• State-of-the art facility and equipment enhancements
• Rigorous curriculum development that aligns with the latest
educational research
• Professional development opportunities for teaching staff
Circle of Hearts donations are used to directly enhance and improve the school, and do not factor into the school's operating budget. The circle has recently helped fund brand-new playground equipment, the Nature Playscape, our indoor and outdoor Studios of the Arts, and the Children's Marketplace!
Donors choose their level of participation to help complete a loving Circle of Hearts. Circle participants are acknowledged on our donor wall and website and are honored at an annual appreciation event. Join our Circle of Hearts today and witness how your loving financial care funds and nurtures the boundless potential of the early childhood years.
Ettie Zaklos, Director
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
Chabad Naples
Preschool of the Arts
is a non-profit 501(c)3
and all donations are
tax deductible.

Have a heart,
and give as many hearts as you can!
You may choose your level of participation in the Circle of Hearts for the Preschool of the Arts by deciding how many ‘hearts’ you are willing to pledge each year.
Participants’ names are prominently featured on our donor wall and their generosity is acknowledged at an annual appreciation evening.

children through loving support and generosity.

Sama Hoffman
Grace & Patrick Liebig
Nancy Feldman & Keith Fishbein
Sally Aaron
Margaret & Andrew Czekaj
Gwendolyn Heasley & Cory Carter
Hewit & Brendan Rome
Stella & Dennis Zaslavsky
Carly & Edgar Baronne
Jessica & Scott Shwedel
Cortney & Jonathan Howgate
Kristina & Daniel Conley
Zoya Demidenko
Anita & Nikola Dejanovski
Vivian & Xiaonan Shen
Rebeca & David Linz
Naama & Yaniv Barda
Anonymous Family
Nancy Feldman & Keith Fishbein
Winnie Ho and Wai Weng Wong
Ana Scopu & Boban Milentijevic

With Heartfelt thanks to this caring community of 2020-2021
benefactors who enrich the lives of the

children through loving support and generosity.
Sama Hoffman
Brittany & Brandon Kirsch
Grace & Patrick Liebig
Ksenia & Roger Saad
Maureen and Phil Heasley
Gwen and Cory Carter
Eva & Markus Rinderer
Sally Aaron
Margaret & Andrew Czekaj
Erin & Michael Kraus
Kristina & Daniel Conley
Jessica Scott, Harrison Langley, and Gwen Langely
Marcia and Tom Martell
John & Dyan Smith
Dan & Kathy Conley
Christine Frank
Rebeca & David Linz
Hewit & Brendan Rome
Natalie & Arlington Zellers
Cortney & Jonathan Howgate
Jessica & Neil Cohen
Heather & Jay Border
Tess Stanek
Cassandra Hill
David & Terry Rayburn
Gwen Langley
Winnie Ho & Wai Weng Wong
Georgia Johnson
Barbara Riess
Glenda & Russell Corwin
Lily & Tim Kerwin

children through loving support and generosity.

Mary & William Aronin
Sama Hoffman
Gwendolyn & Cory Carter
Maureen & Philip Heasley
Victoria Watts & Joshua Rudnick
Eva & Markus Rinderer
Mary Grace & Patrick Liebig
Jessica & Scott Shwedel
Dyan & John Smith
Marcia & Tom Martell
John Thomas Quinn
Cindy & George Rubin
Jessica & Cory Merrill
Rebeca & David Linz
Kaelyn Rhodes & Frank Stier
Lily & Tim Kerwin
Heather Pontasch & Robert Eilers
Lauren & Shlomi Cohen
Cortney & Jonathan Howgate
Jane & Christian Young
Aimee & Chris Lyon
Kara & James Kelly
Betty & Jim Rubenstein
Victoria Watts & Joshua Rudnick

children through loving support and generosity.

Mary & William Aronin
Sama Hoffman
Ashley & Adam Gerry
Airport Kia, Patrick & Mary Liebig
Gwendolyn & Cory Carter
Maureen & Philip Heasley
Cindy & George Rubin
Meghan & Stephen Ruffino
Locksmith Lion, Naama & Yaniv Barda
Kristi & Harry Tsai
Jessica & Scott Shwedel
Sam Ballachino & Grant Morse
Betty & Jim Rubenstein
Charles & Michele Cohen
First Florida Integrity Bank &
The Tice Family
Kara & James Kelly
UBS Matching Gifts Program
Adrianne & Richard Weisberg
Vicki & Michael Perdziak
Victoria Watts & Joshua Rudnick
Nancy Feldman & Keith Fishbein
Kristine Meek & Andrew Yegge
Marie & Michael Rubenstein
Veronica Avondale
Jessica & Neil Cohen
Sherri & Terry Hutchison
Amy & Robert McGowan
Susan Cera & Jay Weitzner
Lily & Tim Kerwin
Kelsey & Aaron Earls
Jane & Christian Young
Jenny & Tate Haire
Aimee & Christopher Lyon
Tess Stanek
Glenda Corwin
Barbara & William Meek
Grace Nichols