of the Arts

Summer of the Arts​
Summer 2021 is just around the corner! Enroll today for SOTA’s two three-week sessions: Session 1 runs from June 7 – June 25 and Session 2 runs from June 28 – July 16 (closed July 5). Ages for enrollment are 18 months – 8 years.
This year we are excited to roll out our theme of “Passport to Fun!” While many of us may not be traveling right now, our campers will get a chance to experience the joys of learning about different countries and cultures around the globe. Children will enjoy themed activities and crafts, sample foreign cuisines, and learn about the beauty and culture of the many unique countries around the world. As always, our packed programming comes with specialized instructors and activities like yoga, gym, water play, cooking, art, science and more!
A registration fee (non-refundable) and one session of camp (non-refundable) is required for each camper upon registration. Full payment for Session 2 (if registering for both sessions) is due on or before May 1, 2021. Enrollment after May 1st will require payment in full.
Preschool of the Arts reserves the right to adjust classroom age range according to the needs of the children. We also reserve the right to prioritize enrollment to families applying for a full day schedule and/or our complete six-week program.
We are honored that so many families are interested in our program and some of our classes may have reached maximum capacity.
Note: Please call our office at 263-2620 to check on availability for Session 1 and Session 2 prior to registering!